For the construction of the Sustainability Report, since 2021, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators have been used. The objective of these indicators is to assist organizations in communicating the impacts of their actions related to sustainability and financial performance. These guidelines are international and applicable to institutions of various natures, guiding and standardizing reporting, enabling straightforward comparisons among them.

Additionally, GRI includes some sector-specific indicators from the G4 standard. In this regard, some indicators from the Financial Services sector, specific to financial institutions, were utilized to enhance the report.

For the 2021 cycle, the indicators were used in accordance with the standard. The specific indicators can be found here, while general and material topic management indicators are available in the Sustainability Report by clicking here.

For 2022, the reporting scope is based on GRI standards, and all indicators can be found here.

In 2023, reporting was in reference to the standard, and all the indicators can be found on the Indicators section or in the Sustainability Report.