
Check out Banrisul's main highlights of the year.

During the preparation of this report, we were surprised in May 2024 by an extreme weather event that was unprecedented in the history of Rio Grande do Sul. We begin this report by expressing our solidarity with the people of Rio Grande do Sul and informing them that, during this period, we have always continued to serve our clients.

We have promoted actions and measures to support individuals and companies, as well as Rio Grande do Sul society, working on various fronts in the communities. We are present in practically every municipality in Rio Grande do Sul, we know the local reality and the challenges of the productive sectors. At a time of great unity of effort, our work is vitally important for the reconstruction of our state, fulfilling our mission of fostering the economy, providing the conditions for people and businesses to get back on their feet.

Over the course of 2023, we completed many positive changes and achieved great results, such as the change in the Board of Directors and the overhaul of corporate management. In addition, we have increased our commitment to applying sustainability criteria to our activities, in all three dimensions: environmental, social and corporate governance. We also defined a new strategic plan, which focuses on the customer, with activities aimed at creating an ever greater connection, whether in person or digitally, through a personalized experience. Apart from promoting improvements to the App, Internet Banking and the Anti-Fraud System, we stimulated innovation with the creation of the Financial Innovation Unit and through strategic partnerships, investing in big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence. In 2024, we will continue to work alongside Rio Grande do Sul's productive sector, especially micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

Fernando Guerreiro de Lemos

Banrisul's CEO

Key figures of the year

Check out the main highlights of Banrisul's year and see how we are progressing in our goals and objectives.


Relevant data for us

471 branches in Rio Grande do Sul, 17 in Santa Catarina and four in other states and in the Federal District.

9.089 employees, with 5,192 (57%) men and 3,897 (43%) women. Additionally, in 2023, we had 1,986 interns.

In 2023, 244 employees joined the IT department and 898 employees joined the branch network.

R$5.3 million was invested in employee training.

2023 Sustainability Report

Great results and many positive changes achieved. That’s how the year was for Banrisul, a retail bank, publicly traded and controlled by the State of Rio Grande do Sul. This is what you will find, clearly and concisely, in the 2023 Sustainability Report.

Download the full report
capa relatorio de sustentabilidade